bg Varna

Brothers Garabed and Nishan Bezaziyan House

- Knyaz Boris I Boulevard 27 -
The residential and commercial building was built in 1911 and was designed by the Bulgarian architect . It was built for the brothers Garabed and Nishan Bezasian, which were rich textile and tulle merchants and owners of a textile factory. In one of the articles in the newspaper of 1914, it's written that Garabed's company was declared bankrupt and that the court took measures to arrest him and took him to prison.
An archived drawing of the building created in 1911
The symmetrical building is built in the style of Art Nouveau and contains a lot of beautiful floral ornaments. This can be seen underneath the windows on the second and above the windows on the third floor, as well as in between the windows on the fourth floor. Also, the that are placed underneath the windows on the third floor contain floral ornaments but are also adorned with four .
And old postcard from 1935 showing the building
Underneath the that separates the third and the fourth floor, you can see a strip of . The building also features two that both stretch from the second all the way up to the third floor. On the second floor, in between the two oriel windows, as well as on top of each oriel window there's a balcony, which is secured with a wrought iron railing. A richly decorated is placed above two of the balcony doors that are located on top of the oriel windows.
The building is shown in an old photo from 1980