bg Varna

Zlatan Bratchkov House

- Georgi Zhivkov Street 4 -
The residential building was built between 1907 and 1908 and was designed and inhabited by the Bulgarian civil engineer, officer, politician, and mayor of Varna, Zlatan Stoyanov Bratchkov. He was born on December 25, 1869, in . His father Stoyan Ivanov Bratchkov was a merchant and a farmer, and his mother was Angelina Bratchkova. He completed his secondary education at the Real High School in in 1888 and in March 1892 he graduated from the Federal Polytechnic Institute in , as a civil engineer with a specialization in railway construction. For some time he worked for the United Swiss Railways and after his return to Bulgaria, in August 1893 he started working in the Construction Department at the Ministry of Public Buildings, Roads and Communications as a control engineer for studying the construction of railway lines.

From August 1901 to 1913, he was the technical director of the Nameless Joint Stock Company for the construction of the Port of Varna. In the period between 1911 and 1913, he was a Member of Parliament from the Varna region. During the , as a Member of Parliament, he volunteered as a member of the 2nd Rhodope Detachment. From September 1915 he took part in the as a member of the 2nd Pontoon Company of the 1st Pontoon Company of the Second Bulgarian Army. In the unit, Lieutenant Zlatan Bratchkov manages the construction and technical activities for the repair and restoration of destroyed bridges and the construction of pontoon facilities. He died on February 15, 1957, in .
Zlatan Stoyanov Bratchkov
The building is built in a style that resembles a Swiss chalet with some Art Nouveau elements. The top gables are adorned with wood carved , which are decorated with floral and geometric motifs and are crowned with a . The corners of the building are adorned with , which are crowned with Doric . All of the , located on the first and second floor, contain a circular form and a total of six .

On the south side of the building, you can admire a ribbon with the initials И.Р.А. (I.R.A.). The balcony door below the ribbon leads to a balcony that is secured with a stone balustrade, which is adorned with . The balcony is supported by three , one of which looks entirely different from the other two. The entrance to the garden is also located on this side of the building, which is covered by an .

Another awning can be seen on the west side of the building, just above the main entrance door. This awning is beautifully decorated with wrought iron sunflowers. Above the main entrance door, you'll be able to see a , that is surrounded by two flowers and twigs. Above the awning, you can see a clover shaped window that's adorned with a flower shaped ornament. On this same side of the building, you can see a wooden that is supported by four wooden corbels.
An archived drawing of the building created in 1907