bg Varna

Nikola Kanev House

- Maria Luisa Boulevard 5 -
The residential building was constructed in 1906 for the Bulgarian lawyer, journalist, publicist, and politician, Nikola Dimitrov Kanev. He was born in 1866 in the city of to a family that emigrated at the end of the 18th century from the village of Omotsko, nowadays . In 1890, he graduated in law in , after which he was the president of the district courts in and Varna. In 1897, he became a lawyer in Varna, and between the period of 1899 and 1910, he was the editor of three different newspapers.

From 1899 until the end of his life, he was a member of the Democratic Party. In 1906 he became a member of the Supreme Party Council, and several times he was a municipal councilor and chairman of the Municipal Council in Varna. He is the sponsor of the electrification of the city of Varna. He was a People's Representative and Vice-President in the National Assembly from 1908 until 1911. Nikola Dimitrov Kanev passed away on July 12, 1922, in Varna, at the age of 56.

His son is the engineer , his grandson is the theater and film director , and his great-grandson is the politician Radan Kanev.
Nikola Dimitrov Kanev
The Neo-Renaissance building is lavishly decorated with , which are present in all shapes and sizes. The building also features many other geometric forms, among which are square and circular shapes. Above some of the windows, you can see a multi-layered , while underneath some of the windows, you can see an . The balcony that's secured with a stone balustrade, and is supported by three , which, besides being decorated with guttae, are also decorated with .
An old postcard showing the building as a free-standing building