bg Ruse

Petar Petrov House

- Alexandrovska Street 59 -
The residential and commercial building, which was built in 1897, was constructed by a project of the Viennese architect Georg Lang. It was built for the wine merchant Petar Nikolov Petrov, who had a lucrative business in wines. One of his sons is the well-known Ruse lawyer and publicist Dr. Boris Petrov, and his grandson is the famous Ruse musician Petar Petrov-Parcheto.

In the 1930s and 1940s, the building housed Simeon Simeonov's most renowned Svetlana bookstore. The owner of the bookstore first worked in the Ruse bookstore of , and after gaining the trust of the great publisher, he made him manager of his bookstore and in 1900, transferred it to him.
An old photo showing the building on the left
The scaly sheet metal mansard roof of the Neo-Classical and Neo-Baroque building contains two different dormers. At some places underneath the roof , in between the and , you'll be able to see some . Above the windows on the second floor, you'll either see a straight or a pointed . A , which is adorned with a , is placed within the pointed pediment. Between the three supportive corbels, you'll either see two festoons, or two fragments that are adorned with grape leaves and bunches of grapes. Richly decorated are placed in between the two pairs of windows. The balcony, which is placed underneath one of the pair of windows, is secured with a wrought iron railing. The three supportive corbels that are placed underneath the balcony are embellished with foliage and . In between the corbels, you'll be able to see two diamond shapes, within their midst a .
The pointed pediment