bg Ruse

Isak Menahemov Pharmacy

- Aleko Konstantinov Street 2 -
The residential and commercial building was built in 1922 and was built for the merchant Todor Tonev. The owner's apartment is located on the second floor and on the first floor he had a representative store for electrical materials, electric motors, dynamos, chandeliers, lampshades, and more. A part of the first floor is rented for a confectionery, pub, and pharmacy to Dr. Isak Menachemov.
The beautiful spectacle on the corner of the building
The most eye-catching feature of the Art Nouveau building is located on the corner of the building. There you'll see a that is inscribed with the construction year 1922 and the initials T.T. The cartouche is flanked by two ornamental carrots and two female figures, which are both holding a . Confectionery is falling down from both horns into the bags below. Underneath the ledges, on which the bags stand, you'll see a small ornament that's adorned with a decorative shell and foliage. If you look a bit further down, you'll be able to see a balcony that's secured with a curved wrought iron railing. The railing, as well as the on the south side of the building, are adorned with . On the same side, you'll also be able to see some garland wreaths, as well as .