bg Ruse

Nikolaki Hajopulo House

- Slavyanski Boulevard 16 -
The residential and commercial building was built in 1892 and was designed by the architect Spiros Valsamaki. It was built as a trading house for the Greek merchant Nikolaki Hajopulo. The offices of Nikolaki's company and his cousin Constantin Kiriako Hajopulo, who are partners, were housed in the building. Nikolaki Hajopulo is a member of the neo-Phanariot family Hajopulo, which had great influence in and . He is Greek by origin but was a holder of a British passport. His grandfather, Kyriaco Ioannis Hajopulo, was a banker, and it was he who founded the Hajopulo & Sons trading house and bank, which operates in Manchester, Constantinople, and Ruschuk, nowadays Ruse.

Later, the merchant Spiridon Stomonyakov and his family lived in the house. He belonged to the distinguished family of the Stomonyakovs from , relatives to the Rasheevs and Palauzovs. Spiridon Stomonyakov had a trade office in and a storehouse in Ruse in partnership with his uncle , a member of the Odessa board of trustees, a sponsor of the Bulgarian Book Association in and one of the executors of ’s will.

The last renovation took place somewhere between 2012 and 2015, changing its color from light red to a more brown greyish color.
Spiridon Stomonyakov second from the right
Underneath the roof of the Neo-Classical building, you can see a strip of , as well as a cornice that's adorned with foliage. A pointed is placed above each of the windows, as well as a cornice with a wavy pattern. Underneath the windows, you'll be able to see a containing six each. The , which can be seen on the second floor, are crowned with Ionic , while the ones on the first floor are crowned with Corinthian ones.
The building before the renovation