bg Ruse

Papamanoli Brothers House

- Alexandrovska Street 39 -
The residential and commercial building was built in 1897 and was designed by the Polish architect Edwin Petriczky. It was built for the wealthy Greek brothers and grain merchants, Nikola, Emanuel, and Argiris Papamanoli. On the first floor, there were four shops, in the basement there were granaries, and the second floor was used for residential purposes by the Papamanoli brothers. The Papamanoli brothers were the owners of a mill in Ruse, which was built in 1868 on the Danube bank.

During the anti-Greek pogroms in Ruse in 1906, the Papamanoli brothers left Ruse and sold the house to Svetoslav Beev, a merchant in English woolen fabrics and sewing goods. Svetoslav Beev was born in 1882 in and died in Ruse in 1952. Together with his wife Nadezhda Siika they had three daughters, Nadezhda, Siika, Penka, and a son Lubomir, who was married to the actress .
An old photo showing the building
The Neo-Baroque and Neo-Renaissance building features three tower like structures, two of which with a on top of it and the other one with . On the corners of the dome like structures, you can see a of an angel with spread wings. Some of the dormers are topped with segmental , while the other ones with a pointed pediment. The central dormer is adorned with a with the initials П.Т. (P.T.) and that are crowned with Corinthian and two mascarons.

Underneath the roof cornice, you can see a strip of , as well as and pairs of . Above the windows, on the second floor, you can either see a segmental pediment or a pointed pediment. The pediments are adorned with either a mascaron or some floral ornamentation, as well as a and two . The pilasters that flank the windows, as well as the larger ones that are located in between some of the windows, are all crowned with Corinthian capitals. Four of the pilasters are embellished with a bouquet of flowers and a decorative shell. Underneath the windows, you can see a , which contains a total of seven .

The building features two balconies, which are supported by three corbels each and are secured with a cast iron railing. The , as well as the construction year 1897, which can be seen above the main entrance door, are surrounded by foliage. At the same height, you should also be able to see two laurel wreaths with ribbons.
The beautiful decoration above the main entrance door