bg Sofia

Bohor Eshkenazi House

- Tsar Simeon Street 90 -
The construction of the residential and commercial building started in 1912 and was completed in 1913. It was built as an income building for Bohor Eshkenazi. The first owners probably moved out after the war, and after that, the building had many occupants that disrupted the layout of the interior. Nowadays the building houses a lot of different offices and the first floor is occupied by shops. The beautiful orange building dominates the busy Tsar Simeon Street.
A photo of the building in the 1970s
The symmetrical building is a good example of the Art Nouveau style and contains a lot of geometric forms and floral ornaments. The construction period 1912 and 1913 can be seen above the main entrance, which is flanked by two thistles twigs. The entrance itself is secured by a lavishly decorated wrought iron door. Above it and on both sides you can see an amalgamation of the geometric forms and floral ornaments. The beautiful strips with floral ornaments can be seen at many other places on the facade, mainly around and above the windows, and sometimes it's interrupted by a window or . The building contains a total of four balconies, all of which are secured with a wrought iron railing that once again is lavishly decorated. The roof , which is adorned with an motif, is supported by multiple pairs of . Underneath these corbels, you'll be able to see a richly decorated .
Contruction years shown above the main entrance