bg Ruse

Former Bulgarian Agricultural Bank

- Olimpi Panov 14 -
The bank building was built in 1890 and the design came from the hand of the Swiss architect . It was built for the Bulgarian Agricultural Bank, which headquarters was located in , but has branches in all districts and county towns. As early as 1864, the first agricultural auxiliary fund was opened in the Ruse region on the initiative of governor Midhat Pasha. The Agricultural Fund continued to exist until 1903 when it was transformed by law into the Bulgarian Agricultural Bank. In 1934 the Bulgarian Agricultural Bank and the Bulgarian Central Cooperative Bank merged into the Bulgarian Agricultural and Cooperative Bank. In the recent past, the building of the Bulgarian Agricultural Bank was used by the shoemaking cooperative called Solidarity.
Governor Midhat Pasha
The symmetrical Neo-Classical main facade contains three different kinds of . You're able to see two pointed and straight pediments and one segmental pediment that contains a female surrounded by . Most of the are crowned with Doric , while some others are crowned with Corinthian ones. The , which are placed within the circle top windows are adorned with foliage. The keystones are flanked by garland wreaths, which are embellished with ribbons. A containing a total of six can be seen underneath the three central windows. The wrought iron barred windows contain the same motifs as the wrought iron , which is placed above the main entrance door.
An old photo showing the building on the right