bg Ruse

Bohos Agopyan House

- Knyaz Alexander Dondukov Korsakov Street 37 -
The construction of the residential building was completed in 1912 and was the work of the Bulgarian architect Stefan Yonkov. It houses the residence of the famous Bulgarian jeweler Bohos Agopyan, who owned a jewelry studio and a shop on Alexandrovska Street. Together with his wife, he had two sons, Edward and Eugene, who inherited the house in 1928. Edward Agopyan continued his father's craft and opened his own jewelry studio on Nikolaevska Street. In 1951, the Agopyan brothers sold the house to Gercho Radev.
The protruded part that contains a richly decorated mascaron
The most eye-catching part of the Art Nouveau building is the beautiful protruded part on the corner of the building. Within the protruded part, you're able to see a richly decorated . A small balcony is placed on the second floor that contains a stone balustrade. Above the windows on the second floor, within the beautiful round shaped frame, you'll be able to see another mascaron, some of which are embellished with a . The frame that surrounds the main entrance door on the south side of the building is adorned with a and a lot of whiplash lines.
The main entrance door