bg Ruse

Sabetay Benies House

- Nikolaevska Street 12 -
The residential and commercial building, which was built in 1907, was designed by the architect Todor Petrov. It was built for the manufacturer Sabetay Leon Benies as a profitable building in which he housed his shops on the first floor and offices on the second. In 1895 he founded a factory in Ruse for vegetable oils, confectionery, candies, and tahini halva. The factory was managed by his brother David Leon Benies. After the death of Sabetay in 1911, he was succeeded by his sons Leon and Raphael. They worked together for seven or eight years, but then, through a court division, Leon acquired the profitable building and his brother the factory.

After the nationalization, both the old and the newer part housed various institutions, including the District Court and the State Archives. The building also housed the People's Court, which handed down 27 death sentences here.
The factory of Sabetay Leon Benies
Four of the dormers of the Neo-Renaissance building are topped with a segmental , which are supported by two . The building contains a total of three balconies, all of which are supported by two corbels. The stone balustrades that secure these balconies are embellished with . The segmental , which are located above the windows on the second floor, contain a that's adorned with foliage. Underneath these cornices, as well as in between some of the windows, you'll be able to see a richly decorated . Three of the , which are crowned with a Doric and located on the first floor, contain the initials С.Л.Б. (S.L.B.).
One of the renovation projects