bg Ruse

Georgi Gerov Building

- Aleksandrovska Street 10 -
The construction of the commercial building started in 1880 and was carried out in three stages preserving the old store built before the . The old part of the building housed two shops with a passage in between them. Later, two more pairs of shops with a passage were built next to them. Around 1910, the ornamental decorations were placed on the facade.

It was built for Georgi Petrov Gerov, who was born back in 1839 in and was one of the rich grain traders, with his own mill near Ruse. After the Liberation of Bulgaria, he was an ally of 's People's Liberal Party and received funds from the Asian Department in for agitation against the Bulgarian prince and government. The compromising evidence shows that Georgi Gerov was fined for lobbying for Russian interests during the political crisis in Bulgaria, which lasted from 1886 until 1887. After the end of the political intrigue, Georgi Gerov devoted himself to economic activities and was elected a member of the Board of Directors of the First Bulgarian Insurance Company called Bulgaria.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Georgi Gerov's trading house was rented out to the Shivachev brothers who opened a large wine warehouse with a cellar. The villagers brought grapes with carts, they trampled, crushed, and boiled them and later filtered the wine with large pumps.
Georgi Petrov Gerov
The Neo-Classical building, which features some Art Nouveau elements, contains a total of three balconies, all secured with a beautiful wrought iron railing. All of the balconies are supported by four wrought iron . The that can be seen on the first floor are crowned with Corinthian , which are adorned with a . Another mascaron can be seen within the that are placed above the windows on the second floor. The between the windows are also decorated with a mascaron. All the ornaments that are located on the second floor are adorned with foliage.
Five of the many mascarons