bg Sofia

Dimitar Ivanov House

- San Stefano Street 6 -
The residential building was built between 1927 and 1930 and was designed by the Bulgarian architect . The house was built for the banker Dimitar Ivanov and his wife Nadezhda Stankovich. After the coup of , the house was nationalized and handed over by the new government, initially for the needs of the Romanian embassy, ​​and later as a center for Soviet activists. In the early 1990s, the house was returned to the heirs of Dimitar Ivanov, who soon after sold it. It bears the name of the House of the Strawberries because of the decorative strawberries that were planted in the garden.
An old photo of the Dimitar Ivanov House
The house is built in the style of Art Nouveau. What is immediately noticeable is the porch, with a balcony on top, as well as the yard terrace. The porch is supported by six massive columns with stars in the that are quadrangular shaped. The yard terrace is lifted for about 60 cm in comparison to the street level. Three major stairs lead to the yard terrace. The garden has three entrances, one of which has a special wide carriage gate.

The polygonal-shaped corner of the facade has a covered balcony, which is supported by the same columns as the porch and is ending in a tower. The arches between the columns can be described as round trefoil arches. On the southern side of the building, there is a round-shaped bay window, while on the eastern side, there's another bay window, which in this case is angular shaped and has a balcony on top of it.
The carriage gate