bg Ruse

Leon Flores House

- Nikolay Zdravkov Street 19 -
The residential building was built in 1897 as a residence of the merchant Leon Flores and was designed by the Armenian architect . Leon Flores is a close relative to the wealthy merchant and industrialist Rafael Kahmi Chohajioglu and has been the manager of his umbrella factory in Ruse since 1900. The next owner of the house was Albert Nasimov, a hat merchant, who in 1952 emigrated to Israel.
An old photo showing a part of the building
The scaly sheet metal mansard roof of the building, which is built in the styles of Neo-Renaissance and Neo-Baroque, contains multiple dormers, some of which are crowned with a pointed . The straight pediments, which are located above the windows, are supported by quite long . A richly decorated is attached to some of the pediments, which are embellished with a and some floral ornamentation. Above the main entrance door, you'll see a small fragment, which contains the construction year 1897 and is surrounded by floral ornaments. The pointed pediment underneath it is adorned with another mascaron, which in this case is surrounded by foliage. On the east side of the building, you can see four all crowned with Corinthian . Above the capital, you'll be able to see a . A large part of the plot is surrounded by a wrought iron fence, which contains quite a large amount of gates.
Two of the beautiful cartouches