bg Plovdiv

Shteryu Bachvarov House

- Avksentiy Veleshki Street 7 -
The construction of the two-story building, which was built for residential purposes, was completed in 1923. It was built according to a design that was created by the Bulgarian architect by an order of the owner of the plot, the Bulgarian merchant Shteryu Bachvarov. He was born in 1890 in , and later on, he moved and settled in Plovdiv. He was the owner of a warehouse and traded in all sorts of building materials, including timber. After the end of the , he passed away, leaving his wife widowed with three children, who received their education elsewhere in Europe.
An old photo shows the building in the distance
On top of the building, which is built in the style of Art Nouveau, you can see a covered with red roof tiles. The roof overhang, as well as the balcony that's placed on the southern side of the building, are both supported by . This balcony, as well as the balcony that's placed on the western side of the building, are both secured with a cast iron railing. The building features three bay windows, of which one is circular shaped and two hexagonal shaped. Some parts of the central bay window are embellished with and floral ornamentation. The building also features a lot of frames, which are all decorated with .