bg Plovdiv

Georgi Yovchev House

- Preslav Street 10 -
The residential building, which later gained an administrative function, was built in 1912 according to a design that was created by the Bulgarian architect Mikhail Nenkov. The construction was commissioned by Georgi Yovchev, and besides that, it was inhabited by the Jew Jacques Alsayd, it was in use by the Greek state as one of their consulates. At the end of the 1990s, ten people worked in the diplomatic service, there were guards and metal enclosures. On February 29, 2016, the Greek government closed the consulate, after 40 years of service, and at that time the number of employees had dropped to three. The last Consul General, who already left in 2013, was Nikos Peperigos.
An old colorized photo shows the building on the bottom right corner
The most distinctive features of the Eclectic and Neo-Baroque building, are the protruded pointed parts of the gable, as well as the on the western side. The balcony on top of the oriel windows is secured with a stone balustrade that contains . The three supportive corbels, which are placed underneath the oriel window, are lavishly decorated with a lion head , , and all sorts of floral ornamentation. Even more corbels are used underneath the window sills, as well as on top of the , which also contain a cute little garland and a . A is placed around the attic windows, while the second floor windows are surrounded by a , , and two . Underneath most of the windows, you can admire a richly decorated cartouche, while underneath some other windows, you can see a diamond shape or an that contains four guttae. The , which are placed above the first floor windows, are all embellished with yet another cute little garland. The wrought iron-barred windows, as well as the fencing that secured the premises, are beautifully decorated with all sorts of geometric forms and volutes.
The three supportive corbels