bg Plovdiv

Georgi Dimitrov House

- Otets Paisiy Street 36 -
The construction of the building, which both serves a residential and a commercial purpose, was completed in 1915. It was most likely built according to a design that was created by the Bulgarian architect . The construction was commissioned by the Bulgarian artisan hatter Georgi Dimitrov, who was married to Zoika Dimitrova. Together they had three children, of which their daughter Doba was married to the lawyer Yanko Rashkov who held office in the house. Their other son Dimitar was married to Louisa, who was engaged in sewing veils, making artificial flowers, and martenitsi.

In the 1980s, the commercial part of the building was used by a specialized hairdressing salon for children, which was one of the most modern hairdressing salons of the time.
The building shown in an old aerial photo
The roof of the building, which is built in the styles of Eclectic and Art Nouveau, contains two dormers, which are connected with the rest of the building by an opening in the roof . The dormer that's located eastern side of the building, is adorned with and a -like ornament. A balcony is placed on the semi-hexagonal , as well as on the northeastern corner of the building. Both balconies are secured with a stone balustrade that contains identical . In addition to all the flowing ornamentation, the building also contains all kinds of geometric shapes, including squares, and rectangles, but also in trapeze shapes.