bg Plovdiv

Former Astoria Hotel

- Patriarh Evtimiy Street 5 -
The building, which was erected in 1923, was constructed with a residential and commercial function. It was built according to the design that came from the hand of the Bulgarian engineer Zafir Georgiev, who originates from . The construction lasted for many years, and until the mid-1930s there were disputes with the municipal administration regarding its condition and ownership, despite that it was built on Zafir's own family land. Sometime after the start of construction, engineer Zafir Georgiev and his wife Mara Georgieva divorced, and the building ultimately remained with his wife. The upper floors of the building were in use by the Astoria Hotel, while the first floor was used by a cafe and restaurant, as well as a confectionary.
An old photo shows the building
The mansard roof of the Neo-Baroque building contains a total of five dormers, all of which are decorated with an ornament, of which the central one consists of a . On top of the central dormer, you'll be able to see a bell-shaped dome, which is topped with a . Underneath it, you can admire an , which stretches all the way up from the second until the fourth floor. Underneath the oriel window, you can see a majestic cone-shaped , which is decorated with . The that stretch all the way up from the third until the fourth floor, are all crowned with an Ionic . Above and underneath the windows, you can see a cartouche in different shapes and sizes, as well as , a balcony, or an adorned with .
A touristic photo with the Astoria Hotel in the background