bg Sofia

Kiril Botev House

- Shipka Street 23 -
The residential building was built in 1905 and was designed by the Bulgarian architects and . The house was built for the Lieutenant General and statesman Kiril Botev Petkov. Kiril Botev was born on April 20, 1856, in as the son of the revival teacher and Ivanka Boteva. In 1876 he joined the detachment of his brother . After his defeat, he was captured, imprisoned in , and then sent into exile in the fortress of Akia in Anatolia. He was released in 1878 under the San Stefano Peace Treaty. Kiril Botev was a participant in the and the . To protect himself from the of Sofia during the , he moved to the town of in the Pernik region, where he died on February 6, 1944.
Kiril Botev Petkov, 1928
Kiril and Hristo's mother, Ivanka Botyova Petkova, also lived in this building. Ivanka Staykova Dryankova, born in Kalofer in 1823, was married with Botyo Petkov, which changed her name to Ivanka Botyova Petkova. Together with Botyo, she had nine children and after the death of her husband in 1869, she worked hard to take care of the upbringing of her children. She was known for her beauty, pride, and strong spirit. In 1875 she moved to to become Evlogi Georgiev's housekeeper. In 1886 she returned to Bulgaria where she lived together with her son Kiril Botev. Ivanka Boteva died in Sofia on December 14, 1911.
Ivanka Botyova Petkova
The building was built in the Art Nouveau style, which can be clearly seen just above the main entrance. There you will see a beautiful large embossed arch, which on both ends, ends in a . All of these medallions are adorned with a hanging garland. The door just underneath the arch leads to a small , which is secured with a wrought iron railing. The main entrance consists of an elaborately carved and decorated two-wing wooden door, designed in the same style as the building. The main entrance is flanked by a plaque of Kiril Botev Petkov on the right and Ivanka Botyova Petkova on the left. The three horizontal relief beams give the building an additional dimension. The wooden roof overhang is supported by a lot of wooden .

On the east side of the building, you can admire a winter garden with a balcony above it. The cast-iron fence that separates the garden from the street is styled with beautiful Art Nouveau elements.
The project of Kiril Marichkov and Georgi Fingov