bg Plovdiv

Dimitar Kondodimo House

- Raiko Daskalov Street 5 -
The construction of the residential building with a commercial function on the first floor, started in 1901 and was completed in 1902. The contract for the design of the building was given to Bulgarian architect by the trader and donor Dimitar Konstantinov Kondodimo, who came from Greek origin. He was born in 1863 in the Greek village of Plesion and graduated from a high school in his native region. Together with his parents, he moved to Plovdiv where his father became a baker. Despite wanting to continue his education, he has to help his father and soon takes over the round-the-clock work in the oven himself. Taking advantage of his intelligence and entrepreneurship, his godfather, the wealthy Plovdiv citizen Jani Bareka, entrusts him with his trading business and provides him with the means with which bought real estate from the emigrating Turks. In this way, he amassed much wealth, with whom he built a number of profitable buildings. After his death in June 1927, he left a large sum for the support of an orphanage.

The commercial part on the first floor was occupied by a shop of Dimitar Shumkov and Sons, as well as the shop of Moses Yonathan.
The building on the left with the signs of the shops of Dimitar Shumkov and Sons, and the shop of Moses Yonathan
The scaly sheet metal mansard roof of the Neo-Baroque and Art Nouveau building contains three dormers, of which the central one is the most majestic. This dormer is crowned with a , with underneath it a swan neck . A bit further down, you can see an ornament that resembles a peacock tail, which features a lion head . The sides, as well as the piers that flank the dormer, are both decorated with a scroll-like ornament, which is either adorned with or foliage. Underneath the , which is interrupted by the central dormer, you can see a strip of and an motif.

A richly decorated female is placed on top of two of the , which are lavishly decorated with laurel plant ornamentation and two that either contain the year 1901 or 1902. On top of the other two pilasters, you can admire a decorative shell with a bouquet of flowers hanging underneath it. The bottom of each pilaster is also richly decorated, in this case with guttae, , and in two cases with yet another bouquet of flowers. Many other parts of the building are embellished with rosettes, guttae, and floral ornamentation, but also with a wavy motif and .
An old photo showing the building in the distance