bg Plovdiv

Suleiman Lautlu House

- Zlatarska Street 11 -
The two-story building, which was built somewhere at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, is built with residential and commercial functions. The construction was commissioned by the prominent Plovdiv merchant Suleiman Lautlu and was later inhabited by Mehmed Lautlu and his wife Dobra who had two sons Bulend and Johan Lautliev, both famous Plovdiv residents from the end of the 20th century. When Johan got married he moved to a new apartment and the house was sold because a family in those years was not entitled to two apartments.
An old photo showing the building on the right
On top of the building, which is built in the Neo-Renaissance style, you can see two decorative vases. A is placed within the frieze, the beautiful distinctive top gable, as well as the part underneath the second floor windows. Above these same windows, which are flanked by two , you can admire a . Each of the is topped with a that's decorated with a decorative shell, as well as two garlands. The stone blocks, which are used to build the facade of the first floor, are decorated with .
An old photo showing a part of the building