bg Plovdiv

Bulgarian National Bank Building

- Raiko Daskalov Street 51 -
The construction of the building, which was built with an administrative and commercial function, was completed in 1909. The design of the project came from the hand of the Swiss architect and the completion was executed by the Bulgarian architect . The building was built for the Bulgarian National Bank, which took it into use shortly after the construction was completed. The bank was founded on January 25, 1879, and its main objective was to maintain price stability by ensuring the stability of the national monetary unit and conducting monetary policy in accordance with the requirements of the law. One of the first directors of the branch in Plovdiv was the Bulgarian public figure, mayor of the city of Plovdiv, .
An old postcard that shows the building
The work of the bank increased and after the , an extension of the building was necessary. In 1929, the operating room of the financial institution was completed. Later, in 1974, two additional floors and another wing were built, which is reflected only in the interior. In the basement are the bunker safes, where they also kept the damaged banknotes and coins, as well as important documents. The Bulgarian National Bank kept on operating in the building until 2013 and donated the building to the municipality.
Another old postcard that shows the building
The dormers, which are placed within the roof of the building that's built in the styles of Neo-Renaissance and Neo-Baroque, differ in design. The , which are placed underneath the that separates that roof from the rest of the building, are all adorned with loads of . The that stretch all the way up from the second until the third floor, are crowned with a Corinthian . A is placed above almost every window, of which the ones that are placed above the second floor windows, consist of a that contains a , which is the staff that's carried by the Greek god . The cartouches are surrounded by two oak twigs, while the more lavishly decorated cartouch that's placed above the main entrance door, is surrounded by laurel twigs. The balcony that's located above this last-mentioned cartouche, is supported by two , which are embellished with guttae and . A beautiful large , which can also be found on the main entrance, is placed at the bottom of the balcony. The stone balustrade that secured the balcony contains massive . The windows of the main entrance door, as well as the first floor windows, are all barred, which is a common feature for a bank building.
Part of the interior