bg Plovdiv

Stefan Obreikov House

- Sofroniy Vrachanski Street 12 -
The residential building, which was constructed in 1891 according to a project of the Swiss architect Emmanuel Lupos, was built for the Bulgarian industrialist, trader, and donor, Stefan Obreikov. He was born on March 9, 1861, in , and graduated from Plovdiv High School. After that, he became a teacher in , after which he graduated from a higher commercial school in and the Commercial Academy. After his return to Bulgaria, he settled in Plovdiv, where he started a real estate business. In 1893, he established the first chemical enterprise in Bulgaria called the May Factory, where the first Bulgarian blue ink was produced. Gradually, the enterprise expanded and increased its production, as well as the production of other colors of ink began, and subsequently black ink, glue, and red wax, which was mainly exported to other countries.
Stefan Obreikov
In 1905, during a visit to , Stefan was very impressed by water heating with radiators and decided to bring the new technology to Bulgaria as well. He managed to convince one of the owners of a French factory to accept a Bulgarian student, fully covering the costs of the young man's education. Once the student returned, he demonstrated his skills first in Stefan's family, which became the first building in Bulgaria to be heated with water. He took an active part in the work of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Plovdiv, where in 1925, he was proclaimed honorary president of the chamber. In 1926, he married Elisaveta Obreikova, a graduate of the Vienna Conservatory, and a son was born to them the following year.

Stefan was one of the major donors in Plovdiv who, among other things, gave money for the construction of the Commercial High School, Industrial School, and a school for the training of accountants, as there was a high demand for well-trained accountants. He donated a sum of money in a fund, from which an outstanding poor student from the Commercial High School at the Plovdiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry was to be awarded every year. He was one of the great contributors of the Plovdiv fair, the work which was later taken over by his son Obreyko Obreikov, who turned it into an international fair. Stefan Obreikov died on March 18, 1940, in Plovdiv, at the age of 78.
Obreyko Obreikov
Underneath the roof of the Neo-Renaissance building, you'll be able to see two strips of , one of which is adorned with foliage. Some more dentils can be seen in some of the segmental and pointed that are placed above the second floor windows, as well as the cornice that separates the second from the first floor. Some of the second floor windows are flanked by , which are crowned with a Doric . A balcony is placed on the southern side of the building, which is supported by two and secured with a curved wrought iron railing that's lavishly embellished with .
Obreyko Obreikov during an international fair together with Tsar Boris III