bg Stara Zagora

Stara Zagora Central Post Office

- Sveti Knyaz Boris Street 81 -
The administrative building, which was built with state funds in 1932, was designed by the Bulgarian architect Hristo Atanasov and was upgraded three times. The statue of an eagle with outstretched wings and a letter in its beak, which is placed in front of the central entrance, was designed by Professor . The clock mechanism was supplied from Germany, and the four dials and bronze bells were made at the Gnomon factory of in , which were all placed in 1936. In 1966, another wing and another floor were added on the east side of the building, and in 1968 and 1990 some other upgrades were executed. In 2014, one of the bells cracked and was replaced by a new 72-kilogram cast iron bell, and also at that time, maintenance of the clock mechanism was carried out.
An old postcard showing the old post office
The building was built in a modern architectural style combined with elements of Egyptian architecture. The most eye-catching feature of the building is the tower, which is located above the main entrance door. The balustrade of the tower contains the same as the two that can be seen above both entrances. The tower features a clock on each of the four sides, as well as that are crowned with a Doric . Between these pilasters, you'll be able to see a , which is a Gothic element that's used on the building. The building also contains two , which are both supported by four . The greyish stone blocks that can be seen on the first floor are decorated with the technique of , which is in nice contrast to the rest of the facade. The planter that is placed next to the statue of an eagle, is embellished with two post horns.
An old photo showing the building before upgrades