bg Stara Zagora

Hunting Lodge

- Petar Parchevich Street 55 -
The building was built with the own funds of the members of the Stara Zagora Society of Hunters and Anglers and with a loan from the Popular Bank. The construction of the building began in 1928 and was completed in 1932. The first hunting society was established in Tarnovo, nowadays , in 1884, and in 1896 the first society was established in Stara Zagora, which started with 10 people. The first chairman was the reserve Colonel Vasil Airyanov, who was born in October 1859 in . From 1924 to 1930, the chairman of the society was , who was also the mayor of the city from 1924 to 1928. With his assistance, the municipality allocated a site in the center of Stara Zagora for the construction of a Hunting House.
An old postcard showing the building
The building is built in a modern architectural style mixed with some Art Deco. What immediately catches the eye are the two on the north side of the building. They are crowned with a bell-shaped dome and only one of them contains a . On the same side, as well as the southern side, you'll either see one or two balconies. The one on the northern side is secured with a beautifully decorated wrought iron railing that's adorned with . On top of each of the four sides of the building, you'll be able to see a .
Members of the hunting society in front of the building