bg Stara Zagora

Geno Manoilov House

- Tsar Simeon Veliki Boulevard 140 -
The construction of the residential building started in 1935 and was completed in 1936 and was built by a project of the Bulgarian architect . It was built for the doctor Geno Manoilov, who not only cared for the people of Stara Zagora, as can be read in a publication in the newspaper. In the publication, Pencho Minchevu, thanked the doctor for saving his son Athanasius from the prospect of death with his dexterity and surgical experience. An interesting memory was told by Antoineta Moskova, who lived in this house as a child and got invited by her aunt Anna Manoilova, the wife of Geno. She was grieving for her son, who lived in but never returned to Bulgaria.

In 1981, the building was renovated and in 1988 it opened its doors as a House of Scientists, which is an association for carrying out activities for the public benefit.
The publication
On the corner of the building, which is built in a modern architectural style, a round-shaped bay window with a balcony on top of it can be seen. The balcony is secured with the same curved railing, which is used for the balcony that's attached to the bay window. The triangular ornaments that adorn the facade in many places, resemble the gable that can be seen above one of the balconies. The balustrade of the , as well as the balcony that's placed on top of the round-shaped bay window on the west side of the building, contains the same kind of .
An old photo from 1936 showing the building