bg Stara Zagora

Salabashev Family House

- Tsar Simeon Veliki Boulevard 138 -
The residential and commercial building, which was built in 1895, was constructed for the needs of the famous Stara Zagora Salabashev family. One of the members who lived in the building was the Bulgarian merchant and public figure Stefan Stoykov Salabashev, who was born in 1847 in Stara Zagora. Until the , he was engaged in the trade of peltry and leather goods, and then he became actively involved in the public life of the city. Since 1879, he has been a member of the People's Party and engaged in administrative activities. When he was elected mayor, he was only 32 years old. The work he completed together with the members of the council in his first term, which lasted from 1879 until 1883, was extremely important for the revival of the burnt city.

Other famous inhabitants were the Bulgarian mathematician and politician, and his brother the Bulgarian cavalry officer, Colonel, a participant in the , and his daughter Smaraida Salabasheva, who was married to the famous financier, diplomat, and politician .

After 1946, the house was nationalized and for a period of time, it housed the Union of Scientists after which it became a restaurant with the name Salabashev House.
Stefan Stoykov Salabashev
The building, which is built in the Neo-Classical style, is not rich in ornamentation. The main feature of the building is the balcony, which is placed in the center of the northern facade. The balcony is supported by three different-sized and is secured with a wrought iron railing, which contains many . On the first floor, you'll be able to see some , which are all crowned with a Doric .
The balcony