bg Stara Zagora

Konstantin Kozhuharov House

- Tsar Simeon Veliki Boulevard 134 -
The residential building was designed by a Czech architect and was completed in 1900. It was built for the Bulgarian Doctor Konstantin Kozhuharov, who was born in 1863. He studied in Stara Zagora until the 6th grade of high school and finished his high school education in the town of , Czech Republic. In 1895 he graduated as a doctor in and returned to his hometown together with his Czech wife and started working as a city doctor.

He was a great admirer of Czech beer and was the initiator and one of the founders of a brewery in Stara Zagora in 1902. Capitals of the company called the Future joint-stock company were invested in it, the machines were delivered from the Czech Republic and Germany, and specialist brewers from abroad were attracted. The enterprise initially worked well, but only a few years later it ran into serious difficulties. The placement encountered difficulties as beer was not yet a popular drink at that time. An attempt was made to export the production to , but due to a lack of refrigerated wagons, the placement abroad failed and bankruptcy was declared.

He was one of the founders of an orphanage and when the orphanage opened in 1899, it took over the maintenance of two other orphans. For 16 years, he performed the position of treasurer of the orphanage free of charge. During the and the , he was the head of the Military Hospital in , and in the , he was the head of a department at the Military Hospital in Stara Zagora. After the wars, he worked as a school doctor and social security doctor. He died on January 27, 1943, in Stara Zagora.
Konstantin Kozhuharov
On the northeastern corner of the Eclectic building, you can see a round-shaped bay window with a balcony on top of it. The bay window is decorated with multiple , as well as some that are crowned with a Doric . The balcony is secured with a richly decorated wrought iron railing and covered with an .

A strip of is placed underneath the roof . Above the windows on the second floor, you can see a straight , which is supported by two that are adorned with foliage. The same counts for the ornament that's placed in between these corbels, which also contain a decorative shell, as well as some . The fragments underneath the windows contain a rectangular protruded part, which is interrupted by a . The main entrance door is located on the west side of the building and contains windows and is covered with yet another awning. The balcony that's located above the main entrance contains the same wrought iron railing as the balcony above the bay window.
An old postcard from 1910 shows the former Future brewery