bg Stara Zagora

Stefan Rafailov House

- Sveti Kniaz Boris Street 90 -
The residential building, which was built somewhere in the 1920s, was constructed by a design that came from the hand of the Bulgarian architect Zhelyazko Rashev. It was built for the Bulgarian lawyer Stefan Rafailov Popov and his family. He was a lawyer in Stara Zagora and was tried by the Supreme Chamber of the People's Court in and removed from the Bar Association. In 1944, his brother Georgi Rafailov Popov, also a lawyer, was also tried by the Supreme Chamber of the People's Court and was sentenced to death and he was executed in 1945.
Georgi Rafailov Popov
The most eye-catching feature of the modernist and Art Deco building is the on the southeastern corner with a bell-shaped dome on top of it. Underneath the , which separates the dome from the turret, you'll be able to see a strip of . On the south side, you can see that the two balconies differ in design but that they are both secured with a curved cast iron railing. Above the upper balcony, within the gable, you can see a decorative vase created in the style of Art Deco. These Art Deco ornaments can also be admired on the east and north side of the building. On the eastern side of the building, you can see two semi-circular bay windows with a roof terrace on top of it. The balustrade of the roof terrace, as well as the small balcony on the northern side of the building, contains , although they are not designed in the same way.
An old photo showing the building