bg Novi Sad

Isidor Freid House

- Dositejeva 10 -
The one-story residential building, which later also gained an educational function, was constructed in 1909. The construction was commissioned by Isidor Freid and the project and the design assignment were given to the Hungarian architect Lipót Berceler. Later on, the Elite Private Economic School and Gymnasium, which was founded in 2002 and became the first private secondary vocational school in Serbia, took up residence in the building.
An old photo showing the building on the right
The Art Nouveau building contains various motifs, including an , an , as well as . The building features three protruded parts, two of which are adorned with a richly decorated and the other one an oval shape containing and intertwined ribbons. The fragments that are placed above the carriage gates and above two of the windows are embellished with . A garland wreath is placed above the other windows, which are connected by a . The three , which are placed between the windows, are all topped with a lovely .