bg Novi Sad

Vojvodina Museum

- Dunavska 35 -
The construction of the two-story judicial building, which later turned into an educational building, took place in 1900. In 1892, the preparations for the construction of the building started, which was going to house a court and a prison. The military authorities were opposed to the construction of this building in this location due to military-strategic and defense reasons. The dispute was resolved only on June 3, 1898, when the Board of Directors was informed of the approval of the royal degree that the construction of the Court building could begin. The construction was executed according to a design that came from the hand of the Hungarian architect . The builders of this representative building were Šomon Janoš and Imre Kireger, contractors of several public buildings in Novi Sad.
The project of the architect Gyula Wagner
In the 1960s, the building was assigned to the Museum of Vojvodina, and in 1976, work began on its adaptation for museological activities. In 1825, the idea of ​​the need to establish a museum collection was published but was only realized on October 14, 1847. The first museum collection was created from the rich legacy of , and opened its doors to the public for the first time under the name of the Museum of Matica Srpska on July 9, 1933, in Novi Sad. In 1988, after a renovation carried out through a design created by Serbian architect Đorđa Grbića, the Archive of Vojvodina moved to the prison building.
The building at the beginning of the 20th century
The two scaly sheeted semi-octagonal domes of the symmetrical building, which is built in the styles of Eclectic and Neo-Renaissance, are crowned with . Around the same height, you'll be to see various balustrades containing loads of . The roof is adorned with in different shapes and sizes, some of which are decorated with foliage. Above some of the second floor windows, you can see a within its midst a , as well beautifully decorated , and a adorned with acanthus foliage. Above the other second floor windows, you can either admire a straight or a pointed , both of which are supported by either two or three . Either an Ionic or a adorned with an motif is crowning the that are located on the second floor. Some that can be seen on the first floor, as well as the stone blocks that eventually come together in a keystone, are all decorated with . The porch that covers the main entrance, is supported by two pillars and is covered by a balcony and an containing the MUSEUM.
The building around 1905