bg Novi Sad

Svetozar Miletić School

- Narodnih Heroja 7 -
The three-story educational building, which was built somewhere at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, was built according to a design that was created by an unknown architect. It was inhabited by the school that went by the name called the Novi Sad Vocational and Secondary Trade School, which was founded in October 1882. A total of 14 students were enrolled in the first grade on the first school year, which lasted from 1882 until 1883. In 1969, at the suggestion of Mirjana Vilić, professor of Serbian language and literature and long-time assistant director, the school received the name .
The building visible on an old postcard
The symmetrical building, which is built in the styles of Eclectic and Neo-Renaissance, features a set of , which is placed underneath the roof . The frames that are placed around the third floor windows are adorned with a richly decorated , as well as . Underneath the , which is placed between some of the third floor windows, you can admire a beautifully decorated . At the same height as the aprons, you can see another two ornaments, which are both embellished with foliage and . The that are placed above the second floor windows are supported by four , which are decorated with all sorts of floral ornamentation.
The building in 1942