bg Novi Sad

Aleksandar Adamović Palace

- Trg Mladenaca 6 -
The residential and commercial building, which was constructed in 1911, was the first three-story building in Novi Sad and the largest building for residential purposes. The building was built according to a design that was created by the Hungarian architects and . It was built for the industrialist Aleksandar Adamović Aleksandar Adamović, who was born in 1839, in a family of famous winegrowers, producers, and exporters of prized wines and cognac. The progenitor of the family, Jovan, a young man of Greek-Cincar origin, fleeing from the Turks, arrived in from Macedonia at the end of the 18th century. Aleksandar's business was going great and he quickly became the biggest taxpayer in Novi Sad, but he soon decided that it was better to sell his own wines instead of the ones of others. With his wife Anastasia, the granddaughter of Count Sava Vuković, Adamović had as many as fifteen children, ten daughters, and five sons.
The Adamović family
The chimneys of the Art Nouveau building look like independent buildings that tower high above the building. A lot of sculptural compositions can be admired on the attic floor, which consists of decorative vases, , and . The building features loads of , which are rectangular and semi-hexagonal shaped and supported in some cases by massive adorned with five . Some of the same corbels are also used to support balconies, and there are some other corbels to support the roof overhang, which are adorned with only three corbels. The frieze around these last-mentioned corbels is adorned with foliage, which also counts for some other corbels that support some of the other balconies. The fragments that contribute to the beauty of the building, which can be seen around the entire building, consist of , , and all sorts of floral ornamentation. The wrought iron railings and the stone balustrades are beautifully decorated with all sorts of geometric shapes.
The building visible on an old postcard