bg Novi Sad

Hotel Kod Sunca

- Jevrejska 1 -
The construction of the two-story residential building, which also houses a commercial function on the first floor, took place in 1852. The construction was commissioned by the investor Vasa Vasiljević, and was built on a plot where a building once stood that was destroyed during the . In the early years, the building was used as an inn and hotel, and as early as 1854, the house was adapted to accommodate the district and county administration, according to the project of Fischer and Franz Duras. In 1872, when the Reserve Command was housed here, the building gained its original appearance as the building became lavishly decorated with all sorts of ornamentation.
The building around 1960
Underneath the roof of the building, which is built in the Eclectic style featuring some Neo-Baroque elements, you can alternatingly see and . Some of the corbels and parts underneath the corbels, as well as the that are located underneath the second floor windows, are embellished with . A , as well as a segmental , are placed above the second floor windows. The pediments, which are supported by two corbels, are adorned with two ornaments including a decorative shell.