bg Sombor

Serbian Reading Room

- Čitaonička 2 -
The foundation stone for the construction of the two-story building, which was built for educational purposes, was laid on May 25, 1882. The construction was executed by Ferenc Decer according to a design that was created by the Hungarian architect Leopold Decer on a plot where the house of the Schliser brothers used to stand. The construction was commissioned by the assembly that was named Committee for the construction of the Reading Room and headed by , who was also the president of Serbian Reading Room. The Serbian Reading Room for which the building was built, was founded on March 24, 1845.

The rooms of the Serbian Reading Room were located on the second floor and consisted of a reading room, a hall for conversation and chatter, a room with billiards, and a library for games and parties. On the first floor, there were premises that were rented out for years. There was a large beer hall here, and later the famous Sombor bohemian tavern named Beograd, which in the mid-fifties of the 20th century was transformed into a workers' restaurant of the same name.
The building when the tavern named Beograd was still located in the building
Underneath the roof cornice of the Eclectic building, you can admire in different shapes and sizes, of which some of them are adorned with foliage. On the corner top, you can see an that states СРПСКА ЧИТАОНИЦА (Serbian Reading Room). Some parts of the frieze contains two different parts, of which one part if embellished with , while the other one is embellished with with a in their midst. Some of the that flank the second floor windows are crowned with a Doric , while the other ones are crowned with an Ionic one. Above these same windows, you can see a and , which in some cases are adorned with a garland wreath. The that are placed underneath some of the second floor windows contain a total of six . A large amount of stone blocks that are used to built up the facade on the first floor are decorated with .
The building visible in an old postcard