bg Belgrade

Mihajlo Milovanović House

- Pariska 12 -
The construction of the two-story building, which was solely built for residential purposes, was completed in 1924. The construction, which was commissioned by Mihajlo Milovanović, was executed according to a design that was created by the Serbian architect .
The building is shown in an old photo
The part on top of the symmetrical building, which is built in the style of Eclectic with some Neo-Classical elements, is adorned with several piers, , two , and . Underneath this part, you can see a , which is embellished with . The hollow part that you can see a bit further down, contains garland wreaths, which are flanked by that contain another garland wreath. Underneath two of the second floor windows, you'll be able to see an adorned with and , and on top of these windows, you can see a straight , as well as a . Underneath the other two windows, which are flanked by that are crowned with an Ionic , you can see a balcony that's secured with a wrought iron railing containing even more volutes.
Another old photo that shows the building