bg Zrenjanin

Elementary School Vuk Karadžić

- Dr Slavka Županskog 3 -
The construction of the first stage of the educational and religious building started in 1880 with the legacy of Karolina Satmari. The building was built according to the project of the architect , from , with the approval of the bishop of Banat. It was built for the order of school sisters called the De Notre Dame, which was founded by the Roman Catholic Institute for the Education of Girls.
The project of Eduard Reiter
In 1909, the second stage of the building was constructed, adding a new wing on the right side of the chapel. The school, which was later housed in the building, was formed after the . It was formed by the merger of the Central State Primary School and the Srednje Varoška Religious School, which since 1931 has been named after . After the , the communist authorities confiscated the building from the church, but its purpose was not changed, and remained an educational building. The chapel, which was restituted in 2013, was dedicated to Saint and houses the crypt with the remains of the founder Karolina Satmari.
An old photo from 1913 showing the building
On top of the chapel, which is integrated into the school building that's built in the Neo-Renaissance style, you can see a roof lantern with a on top of it. The underneath it is embellished with strips of and a huge . The , which is flanked by that are crowned with an Ionic , contains a statue of Virgin Mary. The on top of the niche is decorated with an ornamental angel, as well as . The niche is placed in the broken part of the broken pointed , which surrounds it. The beautifully decorated wooden entrance doors are almost identical, just one of them is flanked by four pilasters that are crowned with a Doric capital and feature a keystone that's adorned with foliage.

The building contains a lot of different-sized that can be seen on almost every corner of the protruded parts of the facade. Above some of these parts, you can admire some fragments that contain , which are identical to the ones used in the . Most of the second floor windows are topped with either a straight or a pointed pediment, some of which are supported by two .
An old postcard that shows the back of the building