bg Thessaloniki

Salem-Albeda-Saltiel Building

- Ionos Dragoumi 33 -
The administrative and commercial building, which was built in 1925, was erected according to a design that came from the hand of the Greek architect Nikos Papakonstandinopoulos, who was active during the interwar period in Thessaloniki. The first floor accommodated a total of eleven shops, as well as the entrance to the upper floors of the building. Each of the two upper floors contained seven single-space and two double-space offices with a lobby. It was built for Jacob Isaac Salem, a merchant of men's and women's goods, Abraham Albeda, a yarn merchant, and the brothers Abraham and Isaac Saltiel, who were cloth merchants.
The project of architect Nikos Papakonstandinopoulos
Underneath the roof cornice of the Eclectic and Neo-Renaissance building, you can alternately see pairs of , and a strip of , as well as an motif. The building contains many pilasters, which are either crowned with a Doric or an Ionic . The building also contains a lot of balconies, which are all supported by two , of which the ones that are located on the second floor are more lavishly decorated than the others. The railings that secure all of the balconies, as well as the other corbels that are on the second floor, and the corbels that support the first floor .
The building is shown in an old photo