bg Thessaloniki

Aslanian Uziel Palace

- Eleftherios Venizelos 28 -
The commercial building, which later also gained an educational function, was constructed in the period between 1923 and 1925 with a building permit that was given in 1924. The design came from the hand of the Italian architect , while the construction was overseen by the Greek civil engineer . The construction was commissioned by the Aslanian and Uziel families and was built for commercial use to house shops. Like all shopping malls of its time, the shops are developed around a glass-covered atrium. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the property housed a private college by the name of Metropolitan College.
The building permit
The symmetrical building was built in the Eclectic style together with some Rococo and Neo-Baroque decorative elements. The that can be seen on top of the fifth floor changes its shape when it appears above a window. A is placed above these same windows, which in one case is adorned with an foliage. Underneath the cornice that separates the fifth floor from the fourth floor, you can alternately see some , as well as singular or pairs of , which are placed on top of the that crown the underneath them. Above four of the fourth floor windows, you can admire a beautifully decorated , while above the one that's placed within the , a simplified ornament is placed that contains . Most of the railings that secured the are also embellished with volutes. A supportive structure is placed underneath some of the balconets, which is lavishly adorned with another cartouche, as well as some floral ornamentation. Underneath some other balconets, you'll either see two supportive corbels, or an , which is adorned with and a . The stone balustrade of the balconet that can be seen above the central entrance door, contains a total of seven .
An old postcard showing the building in the distance on the right