bg Timisoara

Chamber of Commerce Palace

- Piața Victoriei 3 -
The construction of the five-story administrative building started in 1924 with a permit issued in 1923, and its construction was completed in 1924. In 1913, an architectural competition was organized for the design of the building of the Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture's future headquarters. There were some conditions that the architects had to meet, including furnished floors with apartments for rent, commercial spaces on the first floor, as well as a brewery in the basement of the building. After the judging was completed, the project of architects and Emil Rácz was declared the winner, but due to the outbreak of the the project was put on hold and eventually, their design was never completed. The local city council approved the request made in 1923 for the construction of the current building, with the obligation to erect a building as tall as the neighboring building and to harmonize stylistically with the rest of the buildings in the square. The new design was created by the Hungarian architect in cooperation with the architect Adrian Suciu. The first inhabitants of the palace are the Pallas Bank, the Alipia movie rental company, the Association of Merchants and Producers from Banat, the underwear company Minerva, and the office of the glass factory from .
The building is visible in an old postcard
On top of the western facade of the symmetrical building, which was built in the styles of Eclectic and Neo-Classical, you can see a huge flanked by a statue of a male and a female figure. At the same height as the tympanum you can see several ornamental vases, as well as a dormer. De tympanum, as well as the roof , are adorned with an motif and different-sized , of which the larger ones are embellished with foliage. Underneath the tympanum, you can see a frieze that contains , and a bit further down you can see six , which are crowned with an Ionic . The part that's placed on top of the balcony, is decorated with two ornamental vases and two and is supported by four , which also counts for the balcony.
Another old postcard that shows the building