bg Timisoara

History and Archeology Museum

- Strade Episcop Augustin Pacha 7 -
The current two-story building was built on the plot where the house of the Wellauer family used the stand, which was built in 1752. The building was demolished in 1886 and the current building was built in its place, which was completed in 1889. The construction, which was executed by the Jewish architect Jakab Klein, was commissioned on the initiative of Zsigmond Ormós. On July 25, 1872, on Zsigmond's initiative and a group of intellectuals, they founded the Society of History and Archeology with the aim of establishing a historical-archaeological museum in Timișoara. On May 24, 1877, the Society's museum was officially opened to the public. Given that the house of the Wellauer family, the museum's headquarters at the time, was in an advanced state of decay, the county authorities decided to demolish that building.

From the very beginning, the building proved to be too small to house the museum's collections, and under these conditions, the decision was made to move the museum to the Cultural Palace. In 1941 the building of the building received a new destination, becoming the seat of the Municipal Library. Starting from 1953, the Library of the Romanian Academy, Timișoara Branch, has been operating in this building.
An old photo that shows the building in the distance
On top of the building, which is built in the Neo-Renaissance style, you can see a , which is placed there in place of a beautiful top gable that no longer exists. Two of the three are adorned with , of which the upper one is adorned with two strips of dentils. A flanked by two round-shaped is placed in the center of the second floor, which contains a majestic statue of the Greek goddess . The niche, as well as all of the windows, are topped with a . In the center of the , which can be seen on the first floor, you'll be able to see a containing the same as the band used on the second floor and the wooden main entrance door. The iron-barred windows of this door, as well as the ones of the basement, are beautifully decorated with and foliage, and .
The building is shown in an old postcard