bg Skopje

Hotel Bristol

- Macedonia Street 1 -
The four-story building, which was built solely for residential purposes, was constructed in 1923. The hotel, which was built by the famous Skopje merchant brothers Atanas and Risto Karadzha, officially opened its doors to the public on April 24, 1924. It was considered one of the most prestigious and modernly equipped hotels, where members of the first Rotary Club from Skopje, established in 1931, regularly met. It's believed that the famous English writer and travel writer Cecilia Isabel Andrews, known under the pseudonym , stayed at the hotel between the and the . A story about the Skopje love between her and her companion , a journalist, known under the pseudonym Konstantin, is associated with her name. The hotel survived the in Skopje in 1963 and continued to operate until 2012 when it was closed.
The building is visible in an old postcard
The top gable of the Eclectic building, which is located at the same height as the three dormers, contains a shield-shaped ornament that's surrounded by floral ornamentation. The underneath the top gable, which contains the year 1923, is supported by two massive . The building features two , of which only one is embellished with . The decorations that surround the windows and brighten up the consist of even more floral ornamentation, as well as geometric shapes and .
An old photo that shows the building