bg Skopje

Agop Dikinijian House

- Nikola Kljusev Street -
The construction of the three-story building, which also goes by the name the Arab House, took place between 1936 and 1938 and was built for residential purposes. The construction, which was executed according to a design that was created by the architect is the Russian architect , was commissioned by the wealthy Armenian merchant Agop Dikinijian. He builds this house as a gift for his wife Aghavni, who expresses his love for his wife in this way. Agop was the owner of a factory with the name Tulbend where they manufactured silk scarves. After the death of Agop and Aghavni, the house was left without an heir, so Rustem Bey lived in it with his wife Natalie, who was of Russian origin. The house was also inhabited by one of Skopje's most famous mayors, , who was appointed mayor of Skopje by King . The Bulgarian politician also lived in the house for a certain period, and in 1964 the house was converted into a hotel with the name Jadran.
An old postcard that shows the building
On top of the asymmetrical building, which is built in the Moorish architectural style, you can see both and . In addition to two and , the building also contains two supported by four , as well as several pillars, which are crowned with an Egyptian palm . The main entrance door, as well as the windows above this entrance, is beautifully inlaid with .
An old photo that shows the building