bg Sofia

Gercho Bachvarov House

- 6 September Street 7 -
At the beginning of the 20th century, at the intersection of Aksakov and September 6 street, an unknown owner built a two-storey house. In 1928, it was bought by the wealthy entrepreneur Gercho Bachvarov and was demolished to build a completly new building. For some time, a part of the house was used as a tenement building. On the rented first floor there was a dance hall, which was only accessible to foreigners. It also housed a gambling house with roulette tables, known by the name Interclub.
An old photo showing the building in the distance
The building is built in the Neo-Baroque style and is painted in a nice light pinky color. The underneath the between the attic and third floor are decorated with and foliage. The beautiful cornice, which is located underneath the dentils, is also decorated with acanthus foliage. In the center of the two segmental , a can be admired, which is inscribed with the letter P (Cyrillic letter R). The cartouche, which can be seen within the pointed pediment is adorned with a of a young child. The main entrance on the western facade is topped with a broken segmental pediment. If you look a bit further up, you'll be able to see two decorative volutes.

On the southeast corner of the building you can see two balconies, both supported with two lavishly decorated . One of the balconies is secured with a stone balustrade that contains three , and the other with a cast-iron railing. The window on the first floor is flanked by , which are crowned with Doric . The pilasters are decorated with two and two lion head which are holding a garland in their mouth. The fragment underneath the window is decorated with a , which is surrounded by acanthus foliage. The fragments, which are placed between the windows on the second and third floor, are embellished with . The one that's placed on the even contains a mascaron in the center of it. On the eastern side of the building, you'll see a , with on top of it a and further up a balcony.
An old photo showing the building