bg Pancevo

Nikola Tesla High School

- Maksima Gorkog 7 -
The construction of the two-story building, which was solely built for educational purposes, was finished in 1905. It was constructed to house the Hungarian Royal State Women's Civic School, which existed 1918. During the , the school building was transformed into a military hospital.
The building when in use as a military hospital
After the war, the building served for educational purposes once again and housed several educational institutions. In 1983, the building became in use the by the High School of Electrical Engineering named after the Serbian inventor, electrical engineer and physicist, .
The building is shown in an old postcard
The roof of the half plaster and brick building, which was built as a mix of Romanticism and Eclecticism, contains many chimneys and many dormers, which are crowned with a . At the same heights as the roof, you can see several balustrades with that are built up by bricks, as well as a beautifully curved flanked by two piers that are hold together by . In addition, you will see many and on the first and second floors, all of which are again built up by bricks.
An old postcard that shows the building