bg Borovets

Villa Richard Fanta

- Borovets -
The construction of the residential villa, which was built according to a design that came from the hand of the Bulgarian architect L. Stoyanov, was completed in 1907. The construction of the villa was commissioned by the Czech banker Richard Fanta, who was born in . Richard Fanta, was a bank director, an administrator at the Balkan Bank, and a Swedish honorary consul in Bulgaria. He was also one of the first car owners in , which was a German Mauer Union. Together with his wife, he had a son named Enrich, who was born in .
Richard Fanta's wife and son Erich were photographed with their driver Petar Kitov in 1904
Enrich got married to Maria Malinova, who was born in 1900 in Sofia as the daughter of the Bulgarian Prime Minister and one of the first feminists in Bulgaria, . Enrich and Maria had a son together whom they named Alexander, who worked for many years as a driving instructor. The villa is no longer there, as it burned down during a fire that took place in the 1940s.
Maria Malinova
The most distinctive features of the villa chalet were the on the second and third floors, which were secured with a wooden balustrade with wooden bars. The lower loggia was supported by two as well as a bay window. The top gable of the building was ornately decorated with a wooden , which was crowned with a .
The building is shown in an old photo