bg Sofia

Mikhail Tenev House

- Shipka Street 6 -
The two-story building, which was constructed somewhere at the end of the 19th century, was originally built for residential purposes, but later was also used for educational purposes. It was built for the Bulgarian translator, financier, banker, and politician, Mihail Tenev Hadjikolev, who was born on January 15, 1856, in . He started his studies at a local school in his hometown and continued his studies at the High School. After that, he studied finance and banking at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University of . During the , he interrupted his studies and contributed to the freedom of Bulgaria. Interpreter of the 3rd Grenadier Division and was present on this line at the signing of the . After the war, he worked in various positions as a clerk, an employee in the Ministry of Finance, Governor of the Bulgarian National Bank, and Minister of Finance in the government of and the first government of .
Mikhail Tenev in 1912
Mikhail Tenev was a chairman and member of the management boards of numerous companies, as well as the Kazanlak Friendship Rose Valley in Sofia, which was founded in 1904. As a benefactor, he made significant donations of money and property in , and he donated his personal library and provided financial support to community centers and other public organizations in his hometown of Kazanlak. Mikhail Tenev died in the city of Bankya on October 6, 1943, at the age of 87.

Around 1938 the building already housed a boarding school for girls. A few years later, the building was destroyed as a result of the Anglo-American of Sofia. In the 1950s, the place was given to Sofia University, and at the end of the 1960s, the land was transferred to the Union of Bulgarian Artists, who built a high-rising modern building in its place.
Mikhail Tenev at an older age
A distinctive octagonal was placed on the corner of the Eclectic building. The turret was topped with a , of which the eaves were supported by wooden . The top gable that was located on the northern side of the building was beautifully decorated with a wood-carved . In the same style as the bargeboard, a porch could be seen on the same side, which covers the entrance.
The building is visible in an old photo