bg Skopje

Hotel Moskva

- Macedonia Street 15 -
The construction of the two-story building, which housed a commercial premise on the first floor and residential premises on the upper two floors, was built somewhere in the 1920s. It was built as a hotel restaurant with the name Moskva for the restaurateur and merchant Dorotej Stojanov, who was also a donor. He donated to the Saint Constantine and Elena Church, and on the bell tower of the Saint Dimitria Church his name is engraved on the board as the donor. He was placed in a basket on a horse by his father, who sent him to Skopje, to his uncle who had no children. His uncle owned a tavern where Dorotej grew up learning all the secrets of catering. In the period between the and , he became widely known, even outside the city.
Dorotej Stojanov
The hotel and restaurant, which were advertised to have first-class cuisine, the best natural drinks, and fast and accurate service, were visited by middle social strata, mainly officials. However, it was a recognizable bohemian and artistic environment and traditional popular folk songs were heard here. After the Second World War, the hotel including the restaurant, as well as the family houses were nationalized. Dorotej Stojanov also lived in one of them until his death in 1956. The building was destroyed during the in Skopje in 1963, and in its place, they built a new more modern building with the name Technometal Vardar.
An old postcard that shows the building on the left
The roof of the building, which was built in the Eclectic style, featured many dormers, which were adorned with a and a . The semi-octagonal , which shut through the roof, was supported by a huge and adorned with globes, garlands, a , and what seemed like a . The that stretched from the second floor all the way up to the third floor, were all crowned with a Corinthian . A was placed above the third and second floor windows, and underneath these same windows, an was placed, which was embellished with a .
An old photo that shows part of the building