bg Targu Mures

Europa Hotel

- Piața Bernády György 1 -
The two-story building was erected at the end of the 19th century with both a residential and commercial function. The building was owned by the Csernát family, who rented it out to Albert Radó, who opened a coffee house in the building in November 1893 as the fourth such establishment in the city. Despite the fact that it was not located on the central square, it was popular and fashionable among the people. In 1903, Izsák Farkas took over, who contracted a band and placed tables on the neighboring square, but due to wages and competition, the coffee house became less and less profitable.
The building shown in an old postcard from 1909
Tenants and names changed frequently in the following years. In 1907, the coffee house moved upstairs under the name of Lloyd, where entertainment evenings were also organized, and the cinema named Siculia opened on the first floor. In 1908, the name of the coffee house was changed again and was called Korona this time. In 1914, it was renamed again, this time into Adria, and later on it was renamed Europe. In 1918, the Csernát family, still the owner at that time, sold the building, and the new tenant of the coffee house renamed it . After the , it was nationalized by the new communist regime. In the 1950s, the ornamentations were taken down and the tower-like structures were demolished. In the 1990s, restoration of the facade was planned, but this did not happen.
An old postcard from 1903 that shows the building
The two domes on top of the Eclectic building, in which several dormers were incorporated, were crowned with a , one of which was placed on top of a lantern tower. The balustrades that surrounded the domes had incorporated placed within them. A was placed between the that supported the roof overhand above them. The broken that were placed above the second floor windows, which in some cases were flanked by female , were in most cases supported by two corbels. Underneath these same windows, you could've either admired a , another festoon, or an adorned with six . Some of the , as well as loads of the stone blocks that built up the first floor, were decorated with . The that were placed above the first floor windows, were embellished with a male .
The building around 1900