bg Chisinau

Bessarabian Nobility Club

- Stefan Cel Mare Si Sfant Boulevard 103 -
The two-story building, which was constructed for the Bessarabian Nobility Club, was built in 1888 according to the project of the Austrian architect Heinrich Lonsky. It was built on the plot where the English Club used to stand, which opened its doors in 1838 and was destroyed by a fire in 1886. One of the constituent meetings of the Council of the Country took place in the newly built building. The building also hosted the reception on the occasion of the signing of the Act of of Bessarabia with Romania in 1918, which was attended by the Prime Minister of Romania , and the President of the Council of the Country, . The Bessarabian Nobility Club was visited by King and in 1925. At the beginning of the 1920s, the National Theater of Bessarabia, the first national theater, was opened on the premises of the Club's cloister. Between the and the , the Merry Theater operated in the pavilion building. The building of the Bessarabian Nobility Club was demolished in 1935 to make way for a modern and spacious cinema that was going to be built in its place.
The building seen from the City Gardenat the beginning of the 20th century
The impressive beautiful roof of the Neo-Baroque building contained several small dormers and was topped with two . The top gable was topped with a segmental adorned with a and featured two lovely statues and some garland wreaths as decoration. Around the height of the roof , you could see many lion head and a number of decorative vases and underneath the cornice, you could see many . The building contained several , in which even more statues could be admired. On the same floor where these niches were located, as well as the first floor, you could admire many crowned with either a Doric, an Ionic, or a Corinthian . All kinds of pediments were placed above the windows on the first floor, some of which were decorated with a cartouche. Under some of these same windows, there was an , which was embellished with .
An old postcard that shows the building